LPR Enabled Parking

License plate recognition (LPR)-enabled parking solutions outperform conventional parking methods in a variety of ways. To begin with, they do not receive tickets; rather, the license plate serves as the ticket. They become especially effective as a result of eliminating problems with lost tickets, ticket exchanging, and tailgating. Superior technology supported by years of expertise and several successful international deployments can be found in this LPR-enabled solution.
Manage Parking, Control Revenue Better

Commercial parking operations that require integrated invoicing, management and monitoring would benefit from LPR-enabled parking solutions. For quick and automatic entry and exit, this solution leverages LPR to check license plate scans against a centrally controlled database of approved vehicles. Vehicle verification is made simpler by real-time integration with your PARC system. Additionally, this integration guarantees precise consumer billing.
Improving Airport Parking

Automating airport parking operations with LPR-enabled parking systems would enhance traveler happiness, boost security, and increase income. We can assist with parking at the modern airport, from gate entry systems to mobile systems and handheld gadgets that help monitor and manage parking lots.
Digital TYRE Chalking Solutions

The system can automatically issue fines to offenders thanks to the full integration of digital chalking technology with PERCS.
To prevent parking spaces from becoming monopolized by cars, time limitations for parking should be posted, and those who stay too long should be fined. A small chalk mark is sometimes physically applied to a vehicle’s tyre to enforce such limits. A fine may be imposed if parking enforcement discovers that chalk mark after the allotted period has passed. This indicates that the driver has overstayed their welcome.
Effectively Manage Parking Inventory

No matter how big your business is, parking spots are limited. You may manage space allocation and operating procedures more effectively and efficiently by using an LPR-driven parking solution. To help owners and operators with their financial planning, the Inventory Control Suite delivers statistical statistics on parking rates and vehicle occupancy. Additionally, it can provide information on a vehicle’s current duration of stay, the average length of stay over a specific time, and the frequency of trips to the parking lot. Active notifications let you know about problematic vehicles, like those that have been left parked for an extensive amount of time.
Mitigate Vehicle Damage Liability

Parking managers can document, save, retrieve, examine, confirm, and report on the state of each car upon entry and exit using the omniQ car Inspection Package (VIP). This enables you to evaluate the truthfulness of any damage claims. The vehicle recognition system (VRS) from omniQ, which records information about the complete vehicle—not just the license plate—accomplishes this.